Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's been a week...

Ok....for the first time in a looooong time i actually did nothing "Physical" for the last 6 days, well actually I did a small wod on Friday but is wasn't a "Wodkiller". My sore muscles are over it and my mind is already conjuring training plans for the summer. I am looking forward to continuing on with my journey toward optimal GPP.

So what to do....? Well first I need to look back before I can move forward. It's important to know what worked and what didn't before throwing yourself under the truck. I followed OPT periodically throughout the year starting in August of 2009, with cyles of my own programming through transitional periods. I have found my true strengths in the "Sport of CrossFit" and I have also uncovered several weaknesses that will only need more time to develop.

I believe training as a CrossFit Athlete is one of the most challenging yet most rewarding disciplines one can commit to...there will never be a day that you walk into a competition or workout and feel in complete control. There are too many variables that can play against's your job to prepare the best way you can, and by BEST I mean SMART.

We are all designed and built differently...with different gifts/abilities (strength, endurance, power..etc) that determine your fate as a crossfitter. Becoming an expert in all components of fitness is a talent and skill that makes CrossFit addicting. The more you improve...the more you want to improve...its a vicious cycle.

My challenge this year is to strengthen my areas of weakness ...or still be a threat with my "weakness". The good thing about competing in CrossFit for the past 3 years is I feel like I know myself more and more...and more. Being in the "know" allows me to advance my workouts in areas that are specific future success.

And what might that be?....Training that improves the ability to work harder, faster and longer than anyone else.

There is much I am excited to share with anyone who cares to read this blog...I believe it will be another level of self discovery and punishment that will hopefully help or give insight to anyone who is trying to find their NEXT LEVEL.

Starting next week I will be incorporating wods that feel good...and then in June start my first cycle.


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