Thursday, April 29, 2010

training day 17

Part 1: 8am
1. Dead lift 8 x 2 @60% / 60rr
2A. HPC 4 x 3 /90rr
2B. Med. Grip Bench Press 4 x 6-4-2-6/180rr
3A. KBS 2 x 25 unbroken 1.5pd / 60rr
3B. Pike position HSPU 2 x 10/60rr

Part 2: 4pm

2 sets
25 push jerks 80#
500m row
30 box jumps 24"
5 min rest

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Training Day 16

3 sets of
100 double unders
20 burpees
3min rr


After a day of finals this felt like crap :-)...and yes... I'm smiling!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Training DAY 15

500m Row @50%--2:10
750m Row @ 75%--2:00
750m Row @ 90%--1:50-55
500m Row @50%--2:15
750m Row @90%--1:55
750m Row @ 75%--2:04
500m Row @ 50%--2:10-15
19:11 finish

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Training Day 14

3 Peaks hills runs...
25min. out to location run/hike
8 sets of aggressive hills runs (20ish sec)/ 3min rr
20 minute jog back to car

Friday, April 23, 2010

Training Day 13

1. Thruster x 10 /60rr--increase load every set
2. L Pull ups 5x5

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Training Day 12

1. SDHP x 10 /60rr--increase load every set
2.AMRAP Ring Push ups @31x1 x 5 / 120rr
3. Double Unders Unbroken for time of...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


3 rounds NOT FOR TIME!!!

6 HSPU to single mat
25 Abmat sit ups
20 KBS w/ 1.5pd

"Start where you are with what you have. Make something of it and never be satisfied!"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Training Day 11

Part 1: 4 sets
40 wall-ball shots unbroken /180sec
30 pull ups unbroken /180sec

" Fatigue makes cowards of us all...."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Training DAy 10

1. Build to a heavy 2 reps quickly
2A. Power Clean 6 x 2-3 / 120rr
2B. Ring Dips (-1) / 120rr
3. ghd raises 5 x 18 /90rr

* post loads, compare to last week

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

training day 9

7 rd's of...

2pd kettlebell sdhp x 10
Clap Push ups x 20
30 Pistols (15 ea. leg alt.)
40 Double unders
rest 4min b/w sets

Robin did...
Main site WOD at %'s
80% 500m
85% 500m
90% 500m
90% 500m

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Training Day 8

Jared and his new sled...yah!

1. OHS 3-3-3-3-3 @4211 tempo /3min rr
2. Snatch Balance 3 x 5
3a. Db Back Ext 3 x 20 unbroken /90 rr
3b. Db Ext rotation 3 x 6-8/90 rr
4. 3 x 30sec amrap of burpees / 90sec rr

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


1a. Split Jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3 /120sec rr
1b. L pullups 6 x amrap /120sec rr
2a. Push Press 4 x 4-6 @ 12x2/120sec rr
2b. Toes to bar 4 x 15 /120sec rr
3. Db External Rotation 3 x 10-12 /30sec rr

Monday, April 12, 2010

Training Day 6 *%*$!

Part 1: 4 rounds
400m row @80%
20 unbroken chin ups
rest 3min

rest 10min

400m Row @ 80%
15 fast burpees
rest 3min

rest 8hr+

For time:
Hang P Clean (#155/100)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Training Day 5

Zion National Park --on my shoulders...

1. Build to a heavy 3 reps in dead-lift quickly
2A. Power Clean 5 x 3-5 / 120rr
2B. Ring Dips 5 x amrap (-1) / 120rr
3. Ghd Raises 5 x 15 / 90rr

rest 20 minutes

Double Unders
Sit ups

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Training Day 4

Hang on to the bar...unbroken. --Mike Hill "Gwen"

10 rounds of...
Right Arm then Left Arm with 55lb/30lb DB
DB Snatch x1
DB Split Jerk x1
DB Thruster x1
DB F. Squat x1

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


1A. back sq 6 x 2-3 @40x0/ 240rr
1B. wt. chin up 1,1,1,1,1,1 / 240rr
2A. russian Step ups 4x 10-12 / 60rr
2B. kippng chin ups 4x 25 /60rr
3A. ghd Sit-ups (2 hands over head) 3 x25 @2121 / 120rr

*post loads

Monday, April 5, 2010

Training Day 2

3 x 30m accelerating sprints 90%
Start from push up position
walk back rr

rest 5 min

200m @ 90% x 4/3:15rr

rest 10min

200m @90% x4/3:15rr

*post HR score with 200m times

Training Day 1 -- 6 Weeks Out

3 Rounds for time...
800m Run @80%
rest 3min
800m Row @80%
rest 3min

*post times; try and match same time for running as for rowing.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 20 -Training NC/SC Triplet

5 rounds for time

6 Dead-lifts #155 (open hand before each lift)
12 box jumps 20"
15 foot rope climb

finished in 6:26

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 19 -Training Day

Warm up: 60sec GHD static hold +250m row + 60sec GHD raises +250m row

1A. Clean Grip Dead-lift 3x4-6 @52x1 /120rr
1B. 14" Close Grip Bench 3.3.3 x 3 @40x1 /120rr
2A. KBS 30 unbroken x 3 /60rr
2B. Double Unders 30 unbroken x 3/ 60rr
C. Back Ext 3 x 10-12-- 41x1 /60rr

*post loads

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Training Day 18 -April 1st 2010

Warm up with HSPU work: make sure shoulders are ready...
HSPU 3 x 6 double pad / 30rr
HSPU 3 x 4 single pad / 30rr
HSPU 3 x 2 / 90-120sec

1A. Back Squat 3 x 4-6rm / 20rr
1B. Walking Lunges 3 x 12 steps / 20rr
1C. ghd sit ups 3 x 24/ 180rr

2A. Wt. Chin Ups 3 x 5 /20rr
2B. CTB Chin ups 3 x 10 /20rr
2C. Kipping Chin ups 3 x 15 -chin over vertical plane /180rr

* post loads