Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday Training Tester

I started the series at 2:00pm...

Workout 1:For power ratio:
Row 800 m
My Ratio was 1.7

rest 5 min

Workout 2:7 sets (95#/60#) for time;
Power Snatch x 1
Snatch Balance x 1
OHS x 1
Hang Snatch x 1
My finish time was 1:48

rest 5 min

Workout 3:As many rounds (total reps) in 3 minutes;
3 chest to bar chin ups unbroken
3 push up burpees
My Total Reps were 36 (I felt gassed, insufficient morning meals.)

3.5 hour rest

6:00pm- Workout 4:For time
50 walking lunges
20 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
30 dips
25 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10ft
30 GHD Sit Ups
30 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
75 double unders
My Time was 15:18

I am going to really focus on pre and post meal plans in more detail by scheduling meals to the hour before wods...Overall I felt good with the series of challenges my stamina has definatly improved in alot but I could tell in the 3rd wod that I didn't eat enough (paleo kit 318 @ 11am).
Snatch Complex felt the easiest -- Workout 4 felt good; Lunges were consistant, clean and jerk were broken more than I wanted but very short breaks kept it movein--Dips slowed me down uurgh!!--Wallball shots 3 breaks--GHD situps 3 breaks--KBS unbroken felt relitivly easy--Double Unders felt good finished those around 75-90sec....

Alright time to recover ...more conditioning to do if I want to be a contender!!

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