Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 6- Training Day

1A. Bench Press 4 x @ 50x0/ 90rr
1B. 11/4 Squat 4 x @ 4010 / 90rr
2A. Mixed Grip 3 x 4 @ 41X1 / 60rr
2B. High Box Step Ups 3 x 8ea. / 60rr
3. HSPU: 3 x 5 double mat/rr 30; 3 x 3 single mat/rr 60; 3 x 1-2 no mat/rr 120
** complete each series before moving to next
4. 100 GHD Sit ups for time

"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender" - Vince L.


  1. 1A. 125/130/130/140
    1B. 135/145/145/155
    2A. 25/30/30lbs
    2B.20" box 65lbs
    3. a) complete b) complete c) kip
    4. 5:47

    Tired from not sleeping enough last couple days(mid-term)...walked through the workout.

  2. 1A. 185/185/195/200
    1B. 185/205/215/235
    2A. 40LBS/40/40
    2B. 20"/ 40lb dumbbells
    Post WOD meal: protein shake w/ whole milk(approx 32 grams protein) 1 banana.
