Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Training Day

1. Power Clean + Mid-Thig Hang Clean 1.1. x 5 @ 70%/ 2min

2. 2 Jerk Balance + 2 Tall Jerks 2.2 x 5 /2min

3. PP+PJ+SJ 1.1.1 x 4/2min

* very tired today..napping in b/w my last sets of split jerks :-/

Monday, August 30, 2010

Double Training Day

9am: Christine
3 rounds for time of..
500m Row
12 Dead-lifts @ bwt (160)
21 Box Jumps 20"



1. Halting Snatch Dead-lift @1123; 3x3 /2min

2. Snatch
68%- 82lbs 1x4 /1min
72%- 90lbs 1x4/1min
78%- 95lbs 1x4/1min

3. Snatch Pull 3 x 5/ 3min

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Training Day

1. 12min find 1RM JErk (170lb)
rest 3min

2. 21-15-9 of CTB Pull ups + Burpees for time (7:18)
15-4-2 / 5-5-5 / 3-3-3 ctb breakdown

3. 800m Row for time; 3:15
felt gased in the legs....

Friday, August 27, 2010

Training Day Double

9am-Oly Lifts (Working Tech and Feel)

1. 2 Muscle Snatch + 2 Snatch balance 2.2 x 5 /2min

2. Power Snatch + mid-thigh snatch 1.1. x 5 /90sec @ 65%

3. 3 Snatch Grip PP + 3 OHS 3.3 x 4 /90sec

5:30PM- Intervals

5 sets of...
90sec Row @ 95%
1:54,1:52,1:54,1:54,1:55 /500m pace
10sec rest
35 Double Unders
1B, 1B, UB, UB, UB

* broke once during the set

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sean Walker - Motivational Speech

Something to watch on days you need a kick- in -the- ass.....glad this video found me and hopefully you are just as thrilled! Now go get some...success that is!

Training Day

Warm up: KB Side bends x 10 + Pistols x 10 + Pike HSPU x 10 + Dynamic Kicks x 10 for 2 sets

1. Halting Clean Dead-Lift @1123 /2min

2. Clean and Jerk
65% 1 x 5 (115)
70% 1 x 5 (125)
75% 1 x 5 (135

3. Clean Pulls 3x5 90%

4. Front Squat 5x3 ...no go, back is still weak.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Training Day

12:45pm Training

KB Side bends (with KB overhead) 3 x5 (26lb)

3 sets...

10 Burpees AFAP
20 Unbroken Chinups
400m Run (outside gym)

1:50/1:53/2:04 - timed runs only

5 x 30 Unbroken Double Unders

I AM SUPER UNMOTIVATED TODAY :-( feels like I just came down from a big high...drug free of course. Forced my body and mind to do this...I hate that!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Training Day

First Day diving into new schedule with training, coaching and school-- 4:30AM start!

2:30pm -Training

1. 65% 2 position Power Clean (floor/mid-thigh) 1.1x5/2min

2. Jerk Balance x2 + Tall Split Jerk x 2 for 5 sets /2min
75lbs fast and worked on technique

3. Push Press (PP) +Push Jerk (PJ)+ Split Jerk (SJ) 1.1.1 x4 /3min
build to a tough pp then try and pj then sj it.
failed pp on 115lb but finish pj+sj
worked 105lb for the last 3 sets; all complete, split jerk (sj) felt fast!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Training Day

1. Halting Snatch Dead-lift @ 1123; 3x3 /90sec

2. Snatch-on the minute every minute
1x5 @65% 80lbs
1x5 @70% 85lbs
1x5 @75%90lbs

3. Snatch Pulls 3x3/90sec @85% -1o5lbs

Was supposed to Back Squat today but back it still in knots :-(...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Training Day- Skill WOrk

1. 3 Position Snatch 1.1.1 x 5 /90sec
2A. Snatch High Pulls 5 x 3 /10sec
2B. Snatch Push Press 5 x 5/2min

Saturday, August 21, 2010

W.O.D ULLER 5k @ Brian Head

5k Trail Run at 10,000 ft

31: something...it was the altitude and my inability to run uphill :-)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Workout of the Day

15 minutes of...

20sec Sprints /40sec revovery

Go for total distance, starting where you ended your sprint.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Training Day

1. Deadlift 10x1 /90sec
245,265,285,295,300,300,300,300,300lbs =2,865

rest 10min

2. DB Push Press 30sec AMRAP / 60sec rest x 5

3. CTB Chin Ups Unbroken AMRAP in 10min

4. 3k-ish Run For Time = 12:49

Monday, August 16, 2010

Training Day

North Rim GC- "WODKILLA" Rainbow Rim Trail

1. Power Clean + 2 Push Press for 5 sets 70%

2. Full Snatch 5x5 /3min

3. 1-10 HSPU ladder
1-5 to single pad
6-10 pike

4. 10 sets of 30 unbroken double unders for time
8:46 (had 2 re-d0 sets at 21 and 29)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Training Day

Rachel and I at the top of C-Trail...getting ready to descend after the epic climb. I would rather ride up the C-trail again than run 1000 meters for time on the track...twice.
Run 1000m for time

Rest 4 min

Run 1000m for time

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Training Day

AM: Snatch Drills

Power Snatch off the blocks 3 x 5 @85lbs /90sec
Squat Snatch 3/85, 3/95. 2/105, 1/105


1. Tabata Pistols for Reps
R: 7,8,7,7
rest 10 sec

2. 5min AMRAP of Unbroken CTB chinups
4sets + 8 reps

3. For time 75 32" Box Jumps

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Training Day

1A. Touch and Go Power Cleans 7 x 5 /10sec lbs

1B. Russian Swings 7x 15 /10sec unbroken 1.5pood

1C. AMRAP BEnch Press @95lbs /3min reps

Monday, August 9, 2010

Training Day; Coach Newton on Fatigue

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 /3min



3 min AMRAP Burpees


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Workout of the Day; Torrey UT

Julie doing 100 CTUB (chest to upper bunk) pull ups modified

Robin doing CTB (chest to beam) pull-ups

4 rounds for time of...
  • 25 Wood Beam Pull ups
  • 25 Picnic Table Top Push ups
  • 25 Bench Pistols
  • 25 Picnic Table Top Sit ups
31:25...the wooden beam slowed me down :-/

Friday, August 6, 2010

Workout of the Day

Warm Up: 400m Row + Turkish GEt ups

Bench Press 5-3-1-3-5 / 2min

2k Row: 8:07

Bench Press 5-3-1-3-5 /2min

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Training Day + Coach Joe Newton 3 Choices in Life

1. 3 Position Hang Clean 1.1.1 x 3 /2min


2. CTB Chin ups 5 x 10 /60sec

3. 3 sets of 1minute amrap double unders


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Training Day OPT 3 + OHS

Charging up Angels Landing....Mandy (little girl with the slouched shoulders) would rather be doing "Fran" for time at this point :-)


Front Squat 3RM; 175lb
155/3 165/3 175/3

Snatch 2RM; 115lb
85/2 105/2 115/2

Max Chin up 30reps

OHS; 105 /3,3,3

min rest

Monday, August 2, 2010

Workout of the Day

Some Back Squat 5-5-3
Some HSPU Tempo Pikes 5-5-5

500m Row
7 Shoulder Press #75
rest 3-4min


Tommorrow is the beginning of re-building and goal setting...
A new CrossFit season awaits!!