Monday, December 21, 2009

Double Training Day

WOD#1 @ 10:30am

21 overhead squats
21 ring push ups
150m row
15 overhead squats
15 ring push ups
250m row
9 overhead squats
9 ring push ups
500m row
= 10:00

WOD#2 @ 5pm

60 sec amrap for the following exercises:
box jump 20" - 37
wall ball shots - 27
toes to bar - 19
push press - 25
burpees - 18

5k row = 21:37

1 comment:

  1. 12/22/09 WOD:

    Front Squats 5x12 100lbs.
    Straight Leg DL w/40lb db 5x10

    For Time:
    150 KTB Swings time-7:06
