Warm up: 1000m Row
WOD #1 @ 2pm
1. Dead-lift 12 x 2 @55% #185lb /45sec rest
2. HSPU Ladder 1-5-1-5 to single pad
3. GHD Raises 5x4 w/15lb 5x4 bwt /60sec rest
4A. Front Forward Lean 45sec x 3 /30sec rest
4B. Ghd Sit ups @2020 3x12 /30sec rest
2.5 hours rest
WOD #2 @ 6pm
1mile easy pace
5min Building pace run, last minute highest HR (184)
walk rest 1min
2min All Out record last 30sec HR (186)
walk rest 3min
2.2 mile run @65% (130)of max HR from 2min effort (145-155 avg)
Ran a total of 4.5 miles
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