Thursday, December 30, 2010

Training Day Double

Warm up: 1000m Row

WOD #1 @ 2pm
1. Dead-lift 12 x 2 @55% #185lb /45sec rest
2. HSPU Ladder 1-5-1-5 to single pad
3. GHD Raises 5x4 w/15lb 5x4 bwt /60sec rest
4A. Front Forward Lean 45sec x 3 /30sec rest
4B. Ghd Sit ups @2020 3x12 /30sec rest

2.5 hours rest

WOD #2 @ 6pm
1mile easy pace
5min Building pace run, last minute highest HR (184)
walk rest 1min
2min All Out record last 30sec HR (186)
walk rest 3min
2.2 mile run @65% (130)of max HR from 2min effort (145-155 avg)

Ran a total of 4.5 miles

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Warm up: 1000m Row
Skill: Alt Pistols 3 x 10 14" / HSPU 2 x 10

1A. Front Squat x 5/Push Press x5/ Thruster x 5 ] x 5
rest 20sec
1B. 20 Unbroken Chin-ups ] x 5
rest 4min

Monday, December 27, 2010

Training Day

3 Intervals of

1 minute Burpee Broad Jumps
1 minute Kettlebell thrusters #18lb - 15, 15,15
1 minute 12lb Ball Slams - 15,15,15
1 minute Box Jumps 16" - 30,30,30
rest 4minutes

+ 1mile Run 65%


Snowboarded Brighton Full Day

Friday, December 24, 2010

Partner WOD

Complete for time...

83oolbs ground to overhead #105
100 burpees

GtoOH reps: J12,R8,12,8,12,8,12,7

Shared burpees around 10-15 each round


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Training Day

1. Front Squat 3/155, 3/165, 2/175, 1/185, 1/185 Rest 90sec

8min AMRAP

4 hspu to 1pad
8 1.5 KBS
12 Ghd Sit ups

4 +4hspu

1.1 mile run 80%

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Fight Gone Bad with Partner

3 Round intervals

Wall Ball Shots 1 minute (shared work 30sec each)
Box Jumps 1 minute
SDLHP 1 minute
Push Press 1minute
Row 1minute (Jaren)
3min Rest

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Training Day Double

WOD#1: 7am

KBS Ladder w/ 1.5pd; 1-15 unbroken (breathing drill; rest was same # of reps completed in breaths).

Tabata Sit ups anchored: 14,14,14,14,13,13,12,13

Double unders AMRAP 4min: 148...shoulders smoked

WOD #2: 6pm
Warm up 5oom row + HSPU work
20 min AMRAP
10 Ring Dips
15 OHS #65

8 rounds + 5ctb +1dip

Monday, December 20, 2010

Training Day Double

WOD #1: 2pm

Warm up: Row 500m + Mobility

1. Power Clean Cluster x 5

2. 3 rounds for time
10 Deadlifts @ 115% (185lb)
25 Box Jumps 24" (with step down)


Wod#2: 6pm

Power Snatch #75
Wall Ball Shots


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Workout of the Day

Team of 3

Wod #1
Shared Power Snatch 30reps @80lbs
AMRAP HSPU (from single pad)

Wod #2
Row 4k
100 Power Cleans @95lbs (erin & i)
100 Box Jumps 20"(erin & kat, i row)
100 CTB (kat and i)
100 SDLHP 65lbs (erin & i)
100 Burpees (i finish row + 20burpees, erin & kat burpee)


Friday, December 17, 2010

Trainng DAy


3 sets of ...

15 burpees
25 unbroken KBS 1.5pd
800m run
active walking rest 5min

Thursday, December 16, 2010


1A. #75 OHS 7 x 10 / 60sec rest
1B. CTB Unbroken Chin ups 7x 10 / 60sec rest

Walk on hands + hspu work

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Training DAY

Warm up: Mobility + Row + Cleans

6 Sets of..using 100lbs

Power Clean x2
Push Jerk x2
Squat Clean x2
350m row

On a 2:30 running clock finish the above work for total rest time, recovery is rest time remaining on the 2:30 clock.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Training Day

warm up 1000m row + mobility

1. HSPU every 30sec for 10min. (single pad to blue mat)

2. Tabata This; 20sec work/10sec rest

8 sets of Row (damper 10) lowest 6cal
8 sets of Goblet Squats (1pd) lowest 9 reps
8sets of Wt. Strict Pull ups (#20) lowest 2reps
8 sets of wt. dips (#5) lowest 4reps
8 sets of KTE lowest 5reps

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Storm rolling in after second day at Palm Beach...awesome!

Dead-lift build to heavy 1 Rep; 5/155, 3/185, 1/225, 1, 255, 1/275, 1/305lb
Push Press build to 2RM; 2/95, 2/115, 2/125, 2/135, 2/145lbs
Front Squat build to 3RM; 3/135, 3/155, 3/165, 3/175lbs

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Coaches Prep Course TEAM WOD

Team of 3 -10 min cap

Start with 400m Run
AMRAP PJ 115/85lb 25, 13, 9, 10, 12 (might be one or two off)
15 it ups
100m Row

Complete amrap Push Jerks, once bar is dropped athlete must pass through the situps and row before returning to the dbar for another attempt of amrap Push Jerks!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Training Day + travel + hotel shake out

row 275m 97-100% effort x 4 / rest 2min
57.5, 56.9, 57, 57sec
5 x 3 HSPU on single mat (5min active recovery)
row 275 100% effort x 2 / rest 2min
56, 56.3sec
travel on plane------------------------->>>> west palm beach, FL

hotel shake out...
20 push ups / 20sec
20 sit ups unanchored /20sec

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Training Day


Warm up: 500m row

1A. PP+1/PJ+3 x 4 / 2min rest
105, 115, 125, 125lbs
1B. 4 x 20 unbroken chin ups /2min rest
2. 30sec amrap double unders x 5/ 30sec rest
3. 10 unbroken knees to elbows x 5 /45sec rest

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Short Day

1. OHS @3201 tempo 5x5
95/5, 105/5, 115/5, 115/5, 125/5

2. L Sit 90sec work

Monday, December 6, 2010

Training Day

Warm up: Row + mobility + pistols + hspu
1. Back Sq
65% 145lb x5
75% 165lb x 5
85% 190LB x 5

2. Snatch on the minute ever minute for 15minute, post highest and lowest loads
Low: 105lb
High: 125lb

*all power snatches

3. For Time
25 Burpees
300m Row
25 Burpees
300m Row


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Training Day

1. Row 10min, sprint last 10 sec every minute
rest 3min
2. Muscle ups 3 reps every minute for 10minute
rest 3min
3. HSPU 1rep every 30 seconds for 10 minutes 1 pad
rest 3min
4. Controlled Work 5 rounds
20 lunges
20 push ups
20 ghd sit ups

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Black Sheep Track Workout:

Warm up: 800 jog + 3x 20m A skips + 3x20m Butt kicks + High Kicks + Lunges

400m @ 70%
1-2min rest
400m @ 80%
2-3min rest
400m @90%
3-4min rest
400m @100%
1min rest
400m @50%
1min rest
400m @100%
1min rest
400m @50%
1min rest
400m @100% 1:25
1min rest
400m @50%


Friday, December 3, 2010

Training Day

Warm up: Mobility + Pistols 5 sets 5-10 reps off 20" box

1A. Wt. Chin ups 5/30lb, 4/35lb, 3/40lb, 2/45lb, 1/50lb
1B. HSPU 1 pad; 2-4-6-8-10reps

R Arm KB Snatch
L Arm KB Snatch
Pull ups 21UB, 15B, 9B


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Training Day Double

WOD #1--12pm

Warm up: 800m jog + mobility
Skill: 5 sets Pistols 2x 12" x 10ea, 14" x 10ea, 2 x 18" x 5ea
5set HPSU 2x10 2pad, 3x3 1pad

1. Clean Grip Deadlift
40% 135lb x 5
55% 165 x 5
65% 195 x 5

2. 8min build to heavy 1RM SQ Clean
95/3, 115/2, 125/2, 135/1, 145/1, 150/1

3. On the Minute through 8min 3 Sq Clean Thrusters
115lb --27 reps completed

4. 2k Row 90-95% pace 2:00-2:04
8:11.3; felt good

WOD #2-- 6:30pm

3 Sets of intervals with..

12 Hang Power Snatch #80
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
25 Double Unders
rest 2min

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Workout of the Day

6 am...
Warm up: 3min row + mobility
Skill: 5 sets of 5-10reps; HSPU + 5 set Pistols off 20"

Met Con: 2 Rounds for time of
21 KTE
21 KBS 1.5pd unbroken
21 Push ups
3 15' rope climbs
21 Box Jumps
21 Back Ext
150ft Walking Lunge


Note: Real fatigued this morning, couldn't push pace well.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Training Day

1. De-Loaded Week Back Squats
40%- 95lb

2A. Hang Snatch 5-4-3-2-1 /0sec
1B. OHS 1-2-3-4-5 /2min

3. MET CON; 3 rounds for time
7 sq snatches (80lbs)
9 Burpee Bar Jumps
30 UNBROKEN double unders


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Training Day

Warm up: 500m Row + Mobility

5 Sets of
3 x Bench Press #135 /10sec
30 x Heavy KBS 1.5pd unbroken/3-4min RR

Note: Little run down and tired...had a strong couple weeks, now feel the body trying to rebound! Bring on the next week!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Training Day

warm up: 3min Row + mobility drills

1. 10min max: 2 Muscle Ups every minute

2. Tabata Box Jumps 14" low score - 13

3.Complete 3 Rounds
2 hspu from 1 mat
4 R TGU - 12kg
4 L TGU - 12kg

Friday, November 26, 2010

Workout of the Day

1A. Bench Press 5/115, 135/5, 155/3, 165/1
1B. Wt. Chin ups 35/3, 40/3, 45/3

Sq Cleans #95
Ring Dips


2 Rounds of
Moderate speed knees to elbows x 10
Alt Pistols off 12 inch box x 10

Thursday, November 25, 2010


ROBINA (mom) in the ZONE!

1. 800m Team jog + amrap burpees (8min clock)
jogged with mom...then 27 burpees
2. Rope Climb for points (6min time clock)
20' 5 times
3. Deadlift + air squats for points (10min for DL max + 2min for squats)
325lb Deadlift! Mom and Dad did the squats!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Workout of the Day

"Nasty Girls"
3 Rounds for time...
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Clean #95


Monday, November 22, 2010

Training Day

1. Back Squat; week 3
75% 165lb x 5
85% 185lbs x 3
90% 195lb x 3
95% 210lb x 1

2. HANSEN 5 ROUNDS for time

30 KBS 1.5pd
30 Burpees
30 Ghd Sit ups


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Training Day

Warm up: 1000m Row+Mobility

1. Power Clean 3/125, 3/135, 3/145, 3/155, 3/165 - 2min rest
2. Heavy KBS 1.5pd 3 x15 unbroken/60rest
3a. Ghd Raises 3x12
3b. Hand Walk 4-6 ft

Friday, November 19, 2010

Training Day

1. Bench Press : 531 Method Week 2
*5x 95lb
*5 x 115lb
3 x 120lb 70%
3 x 135lb 80%
3 x 155lb 90%

2. Met Con 12min AMRAP
9 x DB Thruster #30
1 x 15' Rope Climb

10 Rounds + 1

Note: tired today but still felt I was able to stay under control in the workout; looking forward to the weekend.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

1. Dead-lift
70% 3 x 205
80% 3 x 235
90% 3 x 265

2. 3 Rounds fo time
50 Double Unders
50 Back Ext
400m Run


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Training Day

Warm up: Mobilty work, Handstand walking

Shoulder Press:90% of 1RM - 105lb
70% x 3 - 75lb
80% x 3 - 85lb
90% x 3 - 95lb

18 Wheeler WOD: Total score is wt+cal+reps...
10 Min find max Jerk: 185lb
rest 60sec
5 min max calories on row: 85cal
rest 60sec
2 min max pull ups: 44
rest 60sec
1min: 28

Score: 342

Monday, November 15, 2010

Workout of the Day

Michael Musto ...Next Level Athletics athlete.

Warm up: 500 meter row, kb complex, walk on hands

Back Squat: 90% of 1RM 215
70%- 3x 155lb
80%- 3x 170lb
90%- 3x 190lb

5 rounds for time
100' Bear Crawl
100' Broad Jump
+ every 5 broad jumps do 3 burpees

Skill Work: 1/2 Tabata Mash; 20sec on/ 10sec off
alt. pistols
handstand holds

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Training Day

1x 2mile Run @ 8 mile pace; 15:45
1x 800m Sprint Run faster than 2mile pace; 3:15 / 3min rest
2 x 400m Sprints faster than 800m pace; 1:26, 1:30 / 3min rest

Currently I am reading a book for one of my master's courses, it's called the "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership". In this book, the author describes 21 laws that can maximize your influence as a leader. In my profession, as a strength coach, my influence is what causes clients/athletes I work with to try harder, get pumped up or extend themselves beyond what they think is possible. If an athlete feels "comfortable" around me...then my influence is weak...if an athlete is putting everything on the line every practice because he/she doesn't want to disappoint me...then my influence is strong. In my eyes, I am getting all I can from that athlete and in turn, the athlete is getting everything they need from me.

If you are a trainer or coach...."I believe the bottom line in leadership isn't how far we advance ourselves, but how far we advance others". - John Maxwell

Friday, November 12, 2010

Training Day

Warm up: KB Complex + handstand walk practice(did 4 ft!)

1A. Bench Press :185lb 1RM 90% / #165
65% x 5 #110
75% x 5 #120
85% x 5 #130
1B. Wt. Chin ups 5,5,5 #30

2. On the minute every minute for 15 minutes.
Complete 1 Clean; record heaviest and lightest loads

Lightest: #165
Heaviest: #190

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Workout of the Day

Warm up: dynamic/mobility exercises+ handstand walking

1. Dead-Lift 90% 1RM
65% x 5 #190
75% x 5 #200
85% x 5 #210

5 Rounds for time...

5 Muscle ups
10 OHS #80
15 toes to bar
20 Ghd Sit ups

Rx'd= 32:41

Note: core was excessivly used; toes to bar combined with ghd sit-ups was a stopper. Last set of Muscle ups took the longest with a few missed attempts.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Training Day

*warm up 1000m row + handstand walking practice...feeling more balanced!

1. Power Snatch 3x3-2 /3min
105, 115,115lbs
2. Sq. Snatch 3x 5 @50% (#65) touch and go /45sec rest
3. 1 1/4 HSPU off the ghd 3x 5 /60sec rest

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Shoulder Press

105lb /90% of max

Shoulder Press
5 x 65%/70lb
5x 75%/80lb
5x 85%/90lb

Feeling a little run down...could be the training...going to rest up a bit.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Training Day --Start 5/3/1 method

1A. Back Squat (90% of Max 215)
65% @ 145 x 5
75% @ 165 x 5
85% @ 185 x 5

1B. GHD Raises 3 x 10

Met Con; 3 rounds for time...
  • 30 KBS \1pd
  • 25 Wall ball shots
  • 20 Pull ups

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Training Day

Squat Clean: Starting with 95lbs add 10lbs every minute until you reach max...
95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165.


Dead-Lift: Starting with the weight you ended with in the Sq Clean perform 2 reps on the minute every minute until you reach a max.
165,175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265.

Assited HSPU x 20

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday Trail Run

This is Webster Flats with snow....last year.

Webster Flats 45min run and downs.
  • Zone 2 -4 intensity

Friday, November 5, 2010

Training Day

1. Max Rope Climb in 2min to 15' = completed 6

2. 10 rounds of ...
  • 1 Snatch #105
  • 5 CTB chin ups unbroken
  • 10 Ring Dips broken lots after round 5....
  • 15 Squats unbroken
21:50...ring dip slowed me down the final 3 rounds were basically singles.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Workout of the Day...PAINSTORM

Row 750 m Warm up....

Gymnastic skill work...rings ...handstands

Max Push ups in 2min: 44reps (chest to deck)

Filthy 50's
50 box jumps = easy
50 Jump Pull ups = fine
50 KBS= Unbroken
50 lunges= legs feeling tired
50 KTE= started with kipping...then came cramps :-(
50 Push Press = easy wt. not comfortable...
50 Back ext= IN PAIN with CRAMPS...battling mind to finish
50 Wall Balls = not hard just mentally out
50 Burpees= Punisher, shaky weak, caught myself feeling sorry for myself...
50 Double unders= Unbroken...SOB!

Time= 28:40...obviously a bad day in the office.

Mental review after a not so "optimal day"...

My goal today was to finish this workout under 25 minutes... when I realized my body was working against me...I mentally became less motivated and more frustrated and began focusing on the pain and discomfort of my lovely menstrual cramps and fatigue.
I believe I could have handled this situation better by first, adjusting my mental focus from the beginning, and focusing on what needed to get done. Not the pressure of the outcome goal (get under 25min).
Not everyday is going to be an "A Day" ...which sucks...BUT if there is something you could have done to perform better in that condition, extract that lesson and then put that event aside.

"Daily goals should be aimed at improvement of personal control over your performance, yourself, and the obstacles that you face." -Terry Orlick

My Lesson: Don't feel sorry about not feeling optimal for that training day...shit happens the best you are capable of that day...then move onward and upward.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Training Day

4 sets @97-100%

10 power cleeans #105

10 box jumps 24"

10 kb sq cleans 1.5 pd

10 burpees with 12" jump

rest 4 min


Monday, November 1, 2010

training day double


Max Front Squat 165/2, 180/1, 190/1, 205/X
2000m Row for time: 7:55


1A. Push press 3/115, 125/2, 135/1, 135/1, 135/1
1B Chin ups 5sets of 3 @ 35lb
2. Prowler Pushes 15sec / 60sec x 6

Sunday, October 31, 2010


After a great round of golf with Mom and Julie...
30min Jog up the Canyon...+ 20 pull ups at the obstacle course.
Training thought of the Day: Defining your Performance Edge is an essential process to building a pre competition plan. Know your physical limits and metal preparedness....

Saturday, October 30, 2010


10min to complete 5 rounds of...
50 unbroken Double Unders
15 unbroken Wall Ball shots
7:50 rxd

rest 2.5 hrs

Complete within 2 min
10 OHS 3/4 bwt
20 unbroken chin ups
30 ghd sit ups

*got to 15 ghd sit ups at 2min mark...finished wod

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Doin' reps in between coaching teams @ SUU ....COME ON ALAN LIFT SOME WEIGHT YA WANKER!

12pm: Workout of the Day
Back Squat 235 (attempted 250 X)
Shoulder Press 110 (attempted 115 X)
Deadlift 315 (attempted 325 X)


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

training day

Little Rach and the Kettle-bell pose...
6 sets @ 100%
30sec amrap clean and jerk #95
30sec Box Jump 20"
30sec KBS 1.5pd
30sec Burpees
rest 6min--active walk


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

training day double

1A. Back Squat w/ Chains (20lb ea.) 5 x 3-4/90sec
135,145,155,165,165lbs--not including chain wt.
1B. Power Snatch 5 x 3-4/90sec
95, 95, 105, 105, 105lbs

2. Moderate Speed Knees to Elbows 3 x 15

7:30 pm

1mile run Zone 1
2min Zone 4 Run
2min Zone 1 Row--- active recovery
4 sets

Sunday, October 24, 2010

training day double tester


1. AMRAP Pull-ups x 2 /60sec rest
30/20=50 reps total
2. Front Squat 2RM 10min limit
185lbs x2
3. Max calories on rower in 1minute
26calories /damper setting 8

Rest 2 hours


1. 4 minutes to find1RM shoulder press
2. Tabata Pushups low score
3. 4 minute KBS amrap

Saturday, October 23, 2010

5k Run

Erin and I at the start...the last thing she said to me was "you better stay with me the first mile or I'll be pissed..." ---Yeah OK.

Save a Sister 5k in St. George Utah
Started off the 2mile mark I was around 15min... even after stopping to tie my shoe!
Then around 2.5miles I was debating which house to stop at so I could go to the bathroom...I had slow my pace down so I wouldn't shit my pants...made it to the finish line & porta potty in time :-(------whew!

26min finish

Can't wait to try another 5k soon...I have a feeling I'm very close to a PR ...under 25 minutes would be awesome!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

training day double

7:30am WOD #1

2k row x 3 @90% / 2min rest
- perform 10-15% more than your PB 8:04
foam roller post wokout

3pm WOD #2

1. BB Complex w/ #115
1 power clean
2 push presses
1 front sq
1 thruster
x5 / 90 rest

2. DB Row 3 x 12 / 60rest

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

training day double

8am WOD #1
Hang Power Clean x8 #95
Unbroken Box Jumps x 15
5 Sets / 2min RR

5 min active recovery--walk on hands

Hang Power Cleans x 8 #95
Unbroken Box Jumps x 15
5 Sets / 2min RR

3pm WOD #2
20min amrap on the minute every minute alternate

10 CTB Chinups Unbroken
10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10 broke-10broke
8 Hang Power Snatch Unbroken #65
all unbroken

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

training day

1A. Clean Grip Dead-lifts 5 x 2 /15sec
1B. Wt. Ring Dips amrap(-1) /2min
#5/5, #8/5,#8/5,#8/5,#8/5
2A. HSPU amrap to 1 pad -x,4,4,2
2B. Pike ghd hspu amrap 7,7,7,7,4
3. L sit amsap x 3 10s/10s/10s

Sunday, October 17, 2010

training day

1. Every 90sec perform 1 Power Clean/1 Front Squat/1 Hang P Clean
Complete 5 sets @ 90% effort
Used 140lbs

2. Unbroken 50-40-30-20-10 reps of...
  • Wall Ball Shots #14
    Double Unders
    12:52 Unbroken!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

workout of the day

100ft overhead walking lunges #25
50 Ring Push ups
50 Double Unders
25 Toes to Bar
5 Rope Climbs 15'
25 Overhead Squats #65
50 Box Jumps 20 "
50 Pull ups
50 Ghd Sit ups

24:38 rxd

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

training day double


Row max effort for 20sec / 2:3o rest x 4
active rest 5min---handstand walking
Row max sffort for 20sec / 2:30 rest x 4

Avg Watts : x,x,426,406,407,407,409,448


15 min amrap

5 pull ups w/ 25lb db
7 ohs #95

7 rounds + 5 pullups

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Training DAY

1A. Clean Grip Dead-Lift 5 x 2-3reps / 15sec
225, 235, 245, 255/2, 255/2
1B. Ring Dips Amrap (-1) / 2min

2A. Eccentric Ring HSPU 3x1.1.1 / 60sec
3-4 sec down...
2B. 12-16 alternating Pistols to a 12" box x3 / 60sec
18" bench, 12", 12"

3. Walking on Hands practice 10 attempts; 1 meter dowel
not successful ...yet.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Training Day Double

2010 CrossFit Regionals 5mile run....


1A. 12 unbroken power snatch #80

1B. 90sec Row @90% for meters
400m, 390m, 364m

2. 12 unbroken Push Press #85

3A. KTE 4 x 15 /10sec rest
3B. Push Ups 4 x 15 / rest 10sec


30 Minute Jog/Run Z1-Z2

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Training Day

1. Sq Clean (75% body wt) for 5 reps; complete amrap in 12min
completed 9 unbroken rounds w/ 115lbs

2. 1/3 body wt. chin ups x 1; amrap in 6min
completed 7 reps w/ 50lb db.

3. 105lb Shoulder to Overhead Anyway; 3min amrap
completed 21 reps

4. Ghd Raises 3x15 reps unbroken

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Training Day

1A. Front Squat 5 x 2-3 / 10sec
155/3, 165/2 , 170/2, 170/2, 170/2

1B. Back Squat 5 x amrap / 2min

1C. L pull ups 5x amrap -1 /3min

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Trainng DAy

4 sets of 5 minute rounds @ 80% effort for amrap

10 Burpees
15 KBS 1.5pd
20 double unders
10 db bent row #30/h
rest 4 min active recovery (rower, jog , on back)

1. 2 rounds
2. 2 rounds
3. 1 round + 10+15+20+6
4. 2 rounds

*Found in hard to stay under the "red-line" after heavy kbs.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

TRaining DAy

5 sets at 95% for time...
  • 20 Ring Dips
  • 20 Unbroken Chin ups UB-UB-UB-10.10-10.10
  • 20 Ghd Sit ups
  • 20 Air Squats
  • 20 Back Ext Unbroken
  • rest 2min
6:40 - 10 rdips
6:16 - 10 rdips

Monday, October 4, 2010

Free Live Coverage of the CrossFit/USAW Weightlifting Open

Free Live Coverage of the CrossFit/USAW Weightlifting Open

Go to archives:

Sunday Session 1 Hour 2
I listed what time on the stream each lift is...
16:35- 1st SNATCH
19:14 - 2nd SNATCH
22:10 - 3rd SNATCH

Sunday Session 1 Hour 2
2:00- 1st Clean and Jerk
8:52- 2nd Clean and Jerk
18:26- 3rd Clean and Jerk
52:00- Start of Triplet

Sunday Session 2 Hour 1
Triplet Continued...
14:40 - 17:30 My Interview with Myranda (punk-ass) ...Japanese movie style...and Coach Burgenger comment me!


Training Day

1. Hang Squat Snatch 3x3 tech. work
65lb...body sore/tired kept weight light
2A. Back Squat 3x3 /60sec
175,185,195...wrapped knees they were super sore after the 11hour ride back to cedar city last night :-)
2B. Omni Toes to Bar 3x12 /2min

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Prep Day

Snatch Work!

Olympic Snatch: 115lbs,120lbs, 125lbs

first time catching full snatch over 115lbs...felt awesome! And don't laugh out load too much...I am a "muscle-head" Olympic Lifter; meaning I have relied on my strength for way too long...I have lots of room to improve technique this season!

Triplete Run Through at Game Pace...

3 Round Intervals
6 squat cleans
12 Unbroken Pull-ups
24 Double unders
2min rest

At least I know I can manage 3 rounds in 10 minutes ...I will just bring my lounge chair for my rest in between sets...that would be awesome...but not so "Crossfitty"

My Goal is 5-6+ rounds!! GET SOME!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Training Day


1000m Row warm ups @65%

1. Snatch-80% 105/1, 115/1
2. Sq. Clean 145/1, 155/1, 165/1

3. Intervals
400m Out and BAck
10 CTB pull ups
10 Burpees to Bar
3min Rest


Monday, September 27, 2010



1000mish Warm up jog

1. Front SQuat 165/1, 175/1, 185/1

2A. 20sec amrap sq clean #95 /40sec rest
2B. 20sec double unders amrap /40sec rest
10ghd-sit ups, 32,30,30,30
complete 4 sets


1. Clean and Jerk 155/1, 165/1, 165/1; 2-3min

2. Snatch 105, 105, 115/1; 2min

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Snatch and Burpees

10min Limit:
  • first 3 minutes can only be used to load the bar and warm up...
  • 7 minutes to find 3RM (3 consecutive lifts in 40sec) + complete amrap of burpees

50 burpees

went for 115lb and failed on second contrast i could have paced myself better to maximize the total time for all 3 lifts. Also to do it again I would have not went for the 115lb attempt...should have just pounded out the BURPEES!

10 minute Capacity Test

4min amrap calories on rower = 63 calories (damper 6)
60sec rest
3min amrap pull ups= 15,10,10,10,5 = 50 reps
2min amrap 3/4 bwt. back squat ( 120lb )= 21 reps
60sec rest
1min amrap push press (95lb) = 15 reps

Although I was working hard I fell like I wasn't forcing a lot of reps...where in competition I would be a lot more. For example burpees, pull ups and back squats could have been more painful...Overall good perspective on where I'm at currently...mentally and physically. Time to rock and roll towards another fabulous CrossFit season!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Training Day

1. Front Squat 3.2.1 /3min
155,165,175lbs --Wt. Felt Easy--

2. CTB Chinups 3x 10-15 FAST

3. Clean Pulls 3x2/3min

4. Sprint Row @110% 3 x 15sec for avg. watts
425, 425, 437watts

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Training Day

1. Clean and Jerk 2x2- 115lbs, 125lbs; 2x2 135lbs; 2x1 145lbs

2. Snatch Balance 4 x 2; 65, 75, 85, 85lbs

MET CON-3 rounds of
250m row
20 overhead walking lunges #25
15 Ghd Sit ups
20 Box Jumps 20"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Training Day Double


1. Snatch 2x2 65% 75lb; 2x2 70% 85lb; 2x1 75% 95lb; 3x1 80% 105, 105, 110lbs / 3min

2. Snatch Pulls 2x2 145lb, 155lbs / 2min

3. Back Squat 3 x 3,2,2 -155/3, 185/2, 195/2


1 minute max ghd simulated sit bench = 33reps
4 minute max back squat #155lb =29reps
7 minute max double unders = 210reps
10 minute max chin ups + 400m run= 45 chinups 15, 15, 15, + 4 runs thanks to Rachel.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Training Day

1. Sprint Row 35sec @95-100% / 2:30rr
174m, 178m, 181m

2. Triplet @ 80% AMRAP 10min
6 SQ Cleans #65
12 Pull ups Unbroken
24 Double Unders
4 rounds...with breaks.
Still feel like body is not completely recovered from the hike. I found it hard to maintain a consistent working pace for 80%. Early onset of fatigue in legs and respiratory.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Training Day

1. Power Snatch 4x2 75-80% / 2min
95, 100, 105, 105lbs

2. Power Clean + Push Jerk 1.1.x3 / 2-3min
155, 165 (split), 170lbs (split) --knees real sore after third set

3. Reverse MB overhead Throw 5 x 3 / 1min
used 20lb MB

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Training Day Double

10 am Workout @ SUU
1. Mid thigh Full Snatch 2x2 @70% (85lb) / 1-2min

2. Full Snatch; 2x2 75% (95lb) 2x2 80% (105lb) / 2min

3. Squat Clean 2x2 @65% (115lb);2x2@ 75% (135lb);2x1 @80% (145lb)

4. Snatch Pulls 3 x2 @145, 145, 155lbs / 2min

5pm Workout @ SUU
3sets @ 80%--still recovering from hike.
#35 Db Cleans + PP x 10
Box Jump x 15
KB Swing x 15 -1pd
Chin ups x 15 unbroken
rest 3min

Monday, September 13, 2010

N.Rim to S.Rim to N.Rim GC

Looking back from the N. Rim.....

Saturday-9/11/2010; 26miles hiking

  • North Trail to South Rim Bright Angel
  • 13.5hrs moderate intensity
  • Recovery
Monday-9/13/2010; 23.9 miles hiking

  • South Kaibab Trail to North Rim
  • 13.5 hrs moderate to high intensity

Friday, September 10, 2010

Workout before GC Hike

1a. Front Squat 4 x 3 (155lb)
1b. Chin ups 4 x 12 / 2min

2a. Clean Pulls 3 x 3 185lbs /1min
2b. Knees to Elbows 3 x 10 /1min

* chin ups felt easy

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Training DAy double


Find IRM Jerk - 1/155, 1/165, 175, 1/175

Row 40sec/ 3min rest : 184m, 202m, 208m

Halting Clean Dead-Lifts @1112; 3 x 3 / 2min
185lbs for 3 sets

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Training DAy Double

9am: 3 sets @ 80%
30sec of Wall ball shots 15-15-15
30sec of CTB 10-10-10
30sec Burpees 10-10-9
30sec Double Unders 20-20-20
30sec of Box Jumps 10-10-10

OHS: 3/95, 3/115, 3/125, 1/135, 1/145, 1/155

Monday, September 6, 2010

Training DAy

1. HAlting Snatch Dead-lift @1112 3x3 /2min

2. Snatch on the minute every minute / 60sec rest between sets
1x3 @70% ; 85lbs
1x3 @75%; 95lbs
1x3 @80%; 100lbs
1x1 110lbs
1x1 115lbs

3. Snatch Pull 3 x 5/ 2min

4. Back Squat 4x3 /2min

Sunday, September 5, 2010


1. 10min to find IRM in Clean = 180lbs

2. 10min to complete amrap of Parellette Handstand Push! = Zip
(for a consolation prize i completed 20 hspu from the ground using 1 ab-mat)

3. 10min for max calories on Rower = 156cal (damper 7)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Training DAy

1. 2 Mid-Hang Muscle Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance 2.2 x 5 / 2:30rr

2. Power Snatch + mid-hang snatch 1.1. x 5 @ 70% /3minrr
85, 85, 90, 95, 100lbs - little tester at heavier %

Still really sore...body achy everywhere.... esp. JOINTS (knees, shoulders)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Training Day SUPER SORE...TA DAH!

My Introductory to CrossFit 2007 Flagstaff AZ...whaaa!

8PM: Ran easy 25min in zone 1/2....on road and trail.
Super Sore today...felt good to shake out the body!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Training Day Double


1. Halting Clean Dead-Lift 3x3 /2min

2. Clean and Jerk on the minute every /1minRR
68%- 1x4 125lbs
73%-1x4 135lbs
78%- 1x4 145lbs
83%- 1x4 155lbs

3. Clean Pulls 3 x 5 / 2min

4. Front Squat 2x2 / 2min
155lbs....back still cranky

5 Rounds for total time...
20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Squats
Rest 3min

36:31 (includes rest)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Training Day

1. Power Clean + Mid-Thig Hang Clean 1.1. x 5 @ 70%/ 2min

2. 2 Jerk Balance + 2 Tall Jerks 2.2 x 5 /2min

3. PP+PJ+SJ 1.1.1 x 4/2min

* very tired today..napping in b/w my last sets of split jerks :-/

Monday, August 30, 2010

Double Training Day

9am: Christine
3 rounds for time of..
500m Row
12 Dead-lifts @ bwt (160)
21 Box Jumps 20"



1. Halting Snatch Dead-lift @1123; 3x3 /2min

2. Snatch
68%- 82lbs 1x4 /1min
72%- 90lbs 1x4/1min
78%- 95lbs 1x4/1min

3. Snatch Pull 3 x 5/ 3min

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Training Day

1. 12min find 1RM JErk (170lb)
rest 3min

2. 21-15-9 of CTB Pull ups + Burpees for time (7:18)
15-4-2 / 5-5-5 / 3-3-3 ctb breakdown

3. 800m Row for time; 3:15
felt gased in the legs....

Friday, August 27, 2010

Training Day Double

9am-Oly Lifts (Working Tech and Feel)

1. 2 Muscle Snatch + 2 Snatch balance 2.2 x 5 /2min

2. Power Snatch + mid-thigh snatch 1.1. x 5 /90sec @ 65%

3. 3 Snatch Grip PP + 3 OHS 3.3 x 4 /90sec

5:30PM- Intervals

5 sets of...
90sec Row @ 95%
1:54,1:52,1:54,1:54,1:55 /500m pace
10sec rest
35 Double Unders
1B, 1B, UB, UB, UB

* broke once during the set

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sean Walker - Motivational Speech

Something to watch on days you need a kick- in -the- ass.....glad this video found me and hopefully you are just as thrilled! Now go get some...success that is!

Training Day

Warm up: KB Side bends x 10 + Pistols x 10 + Pike HSPU x 10 + Dynamic Kicks x 10 for 2 sets

1. Halting Clean Dead-Lift @1123 /2min

2. Clean and Jerk
65% 1 x 5 (115)
70% 1 x 5 (125)
75% 1 x 5 (135

3. Clean Pulls 3x5 90%

4. Front Squat 5x3 go, back is still weak.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Training Day

12:45pm Training

KB Side bends (with KB overhead) 3 x5 (26lb)

3 sets...

10 Burpees AFAP
20 Unbroken Chinups
400m Run (outside gym)

1:50/1:53/2:04 - timed runs only

5 x 30 Unbroken Double Unders

I AM SUPER UNMOTIVATED TODAY :-( feels like I just came down from a big high...drug free of course. Forced my body and mind to do this...I hate that!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Training Day

First Day diving into new schedule with training, coaching and school-- 4:30AM start!

2:30pm -Training

1. 65% 2 position Power Clean (floor/mid-thigh) 1.1x5/2min

2. Jerk Balance x2 + Tall Split Jerk x 2 for 5 sets /2min
75lbs fast and worked on technique

3. Push Press (PP) +Push Jerk (PJ)+ Split Jerk (SJ) 1.1.1 x4 /3min
build to a tough pp then try and pj then sj it.
failed pp on 115lb but finish pj+sj
worked 105lb for the last 3 sets; all complete, split jerk (sj) felt fast!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Training Day

1. Halting Snatch Dead-lift @ 1123; 3x3 /90sec

2. Snatch-on the minute every minute
1x5 @65% 80lbs
1x5 @70% 85lbs
1x5 @75%90lbs

3. Snatch Pulls 3x3/90sec @85% -1o5lbs

Was supposed to Back Squat today but back it still in knots :-(...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Training Day- Skill WOrk

1. 3 Position Snatch 1.1.1 x 5 /90sec
2A. Snatch High Pulls 5 x 3 /10sec
2B. Snatch Push Press 5 x 5/2min

Saturday, August 21, 2010

W.O.D ULLER 5k @ Brian Head

5k Trail Run at 10,000 ft

31: was the altitude and my inability to run uphill :-)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Workout of the Day

15 minutes of...

20sec Sprints /40sec revovery

Go for total distance, starting where you ended your sprint.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Training Day

1. Deadlift 10x1 /90sec
245,265,285,295,300,300,300,300,300lbs =2,865

rest 10min

2. DB Push Press 30sec AMRAP / 60sec rest x 5

3. CTB Chin Ups Unbroken AMRAP in 10min

4. 3k-ish Run For Time = 12:49

Monday, August 16, 2010

Training Day

North Rim GC- "WODKILLA" Rainbow Rim Trail

1. Power Clean + 2 Push Press for 5 sets 70%

2. Full Snatch 5x5 /3min

3. 1-10 HSPU ladder
1-5 to single pad
6-10 pike

4. 10 sets of 30 unbroken double unders for time
8:46 (had 2 re-d0 sets at 21 and 29)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Training Day

Rachel and I at the top of C-Trail...getting ready to descend after the epic climb. I would rather ride up the C-trail again than run 1000 meters for time on the track...twice.
Run 1000m for time

Rest 4 min

Run 1000m for time

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Training Day

AM: Snatch Drills

Power Snatch off the blocks 3 x 5 @85lbs /90sec
Squat Snatch 3/85, 3/95. 2/105, 1/105


1. Tabata Pistols for Reps
R: 7,8,7,7
rest 10 sec

2. 5min AMRAP of Unbroken CTB chinups
4sets + 8 reps

3. For time 75 32" Box Jumps

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Training Day

1A. Touch and Go Power Cleans 7 x 5 /10sec lbs

1B. Russian Swings 7x 15 /10sec unbroken 1.5pood

1C. AMRAP BEnch Press @95lbs /3min reps

Monday, August 9, 2010

Training Day; Coach Newton on Fatigue

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 /3min



3 min AMRAP Burpees


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Workout of the Day; Torrey UT

Julie doing 100 CTUB (chest to upper bunk) pull ups modified

Robin doing CTB (chest to beam) pull-ups

4 rounds for time of...
  • 25 Wood Beam Pull ups
  • 25 Picnic Table Top Push ups
  • 25 Bench Pistols
  • 25 Picnic Table Top Sit ups
31:25...the wooden beam slowed me down :-/

Friday, August 6, 2010

Workout of the Day

Warm Up: 400m Row + Turkish GEt ups

Bench Press 5-3-1-3-5 / 2min

2k Row: 8:07

Bench Press 5-3-1-3-5 /2min

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Training Day + Coach Joe Newton 3 Choices in Life

1. 3 Position Hang Clean 1.1.1 x 3 /2min


2. CTB Chin ups 5 x 10 /60sec

3. 3 sets of 1minute amrap double unders


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Training Day OPT 3 + OHS

Charging up Angels Landing....Mandy (little girl with the slouched shoulders) would rather be doing "Fran" for time at this point :-)


Front Squat 3RM; 175lb
155/3 165/3 175/3

Snatch 2RM; 115lb
85/2 105/2 115/2

Max Chin up 30reps

OHS; 105 /3,3,3

min rest

Monday, August 2, 2010

Workout of the Day

Some Back Squat 5-5-3
Some HSPU Tempo Pikes 5-5-5

500m Row
7 Shoulder Press #75
rest 3-4min


Tommorrow is the beginning of re-building and goal setting...
A new CrossFit season awaits!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Training Day

1a. push press. push jerk 2.2x 5 /3min rr
1b. horizontal ring rows @ 2020 amrap x 5

2. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Ghd Raise
8 breaths b/w movements

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Training DAy Intervals

5 sets for total working time

25 unbroken wall ball shots
20 hang power cleans #80
15 kbs with 1.5pd


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WOD CF 2009 Games Chipper

15 Squat Cleans #105
30 Toes to BAr
30 Box Jumps @ 20"
10 Muscle Ups
30 Push Press #25 db's
30 Double Unders
15 Thrusters
30 Pull ups
30 Burpees
300ft Overhead Walking Lunge #25lb

26:24 rx'd

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Training Day Intervals

5 sets of 10 burpees + 400m run / 5min rest

average burpees 25-28 sec
average 400m run 1:30-1:35
average total times 2:05-:210

Friday, July 23, 2010

Workout of the Day

Front Squat 6,4,2; 70-80%/90sec
5 Rounds for time...
400m Run
30 Box Jumps 20"
30 Wall Balls
Box Jumps and Running are my biggest this will be fun to measure again after working on stride frequency...and learning to "heart" box jumps and wall-ball shots!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Workout of the Day


3 rounds for time of

400m Run
21 KBS
12 Pull ups

10:03 all by myself :-x

Today was one of those days...when you don't feel like training and every single reason NOT to train pops up in your head...ever have one of those? When this happens... you know you should ABSOLUTELY workout.... this makes the decision process a lot easier!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Training Day

1A. Power Clean touch and go 3 x 5 /10rr

1B. Row @ 95% 3x 2osec /3minrr

2A. Deadlift 3,3,2,1,1 /3minrr

2B. Wt Dips 2,2,2,2,2 /3min rr
#35lb DB

Monday, July 19, 2010

Training Day

1. Back Squat @ 31x0 /2min
  • 1 x 5 /155lb
  • 2 x 5 /165lb
  • 2x 3 /175lb


  • 21-15 9
  • 65lb thrusters
  • pull-ups


Fran...What a classic CrossFit WOD! If you want to know how fit you are mentally (besides insane)...Fran is one of those workouts that will bring out any sign of weakness in your "metal" to continue though uncomfortable efforts. When do you let go of the bar? When your WANT to or when you HAVE to...?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Training Day

1. Shoulder Press 2/85, 2/95, 1/105, 1/105
2. Push Press 2/115, 2/125, 135/1, 135/1
3. Split Jerk 1/145 x2, 1/155, 1/165

4A. Hang P Snatch/ Hand Sq Snatch/ Sq Snatch x 4
4B. Ring Dips 4 x 10 / 2min rest

Friday, July 16, 2010

Training Day Double

Hand-lining it down with a very thin rope...grrrrrip it or die!

10am Workout: Strength
1A. Back Squat /2min rest
1B. Bench Press 5 x 3-5 /2min rest
135/5, 145/4, 155/3, 155/3, 155/3

6pm Workout: 20 min AMRAP
10 unbroken Hang Power Cleans #95
Chin-ups AMRAP
8 rounds completed with 108 chin-ups

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Workout of the Day + Subway Hike

Subway Rope Climbs and Splashes :-)

(7AM) 3 rounds for time...
  • 21 KTE
  • 21 KBS 1pd
  • 3 Rope Climbs 15 ft
  • 21 Box Jumps 20"
  • 21 Back Ext
  • 150 ft Walking Lunges


(12PM) 7hr Hike -THE SUBWAY- Zion National Park

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Training Day- Glycolysis

5 sets
10 unbroken hang power cleans
#95, 105, 115, 115 ,115
10 Pike Handstand push ups
rest 90sec
:53/ :53/:57/1:20/1:35

10 unbroken push jerks #105
20 unbroken chinups
UB, 12-8, 10-10, 10-5-5 (grip smoked)
rest 2min

10 unbroken thursters #75
30 unbroken double unders
rest 2:30

Friday, July 9, 2010

Workout of the Day

Bryant B-Day WOD #39

13 Dead-lifts #235
13 Bench Press #155
13 CTB Pull ups Unbroken
1 Mile Run
13 Dead-lifts
13 Bench Press
13 CTB Pull ups Unbroken
1 Mile Run
13 Dead-lifts
13 Bench Press
13 CTB Pullups Unbroken


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Training Day

1. Front Squat 6x 2 / 3min
2. Seated Shoulder Press 4 x 4-6 /2min

REST 3min Exactly....

3 Rounds for time
15 thrusters w/ 30lb Db's
30 Ghd sit ups


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Yoga Master: Lil' Rach :-o

Yoga Flow: 1.5 Hours of Stretching and Crying....
Location: CrossFit Cedar City
Day/Time: Tues. 7:15-8:30

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Workout of the Day

10 rounds for time of...
  • 10 pull ups
  • 10 ring dips
  • 10 sit ups
  • 10 squats
25:48...dang ring dips!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Training Day- ATP/ Anaerobic

1. Dead-lift 3-3-3 / 1-2min rest

2. Bench Press 5-5-5 / 1-2min rest

3. GRACE Rx'd- 2:31 (30 x Clean and Jerk w/ 95lbs)

4. 3min AMRAP Double Unders- 148

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Track Work - Slow Glycolysis

6 x 400m Indian Runs / 3min rest

Start with partner then pass on the straight aways. Alternate who passes who every other set...last 5o feet sprint for finish. Goal was to set a new running pace....since my "running pace" at Regionals was to slow :-(
Thanks Erin for running with me...I mean ahead of me!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Training Day-Fast Glycolysis

4 intervals of Rowing: 45sec @95% / 3:15rr
  • rest 10min (work on hspu)
4 intervals of Rowing: 45sec @ 95% /3:15rr
226m, 223,221,224

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Training Day

1A. Front Squat 5,4,3,2,1 /20sec
1B. Unbroken Chin ups 5 x 20 /3min

2A. Pike HSPU 3 x 10 /60sec
2B. ghdraisses 3 x 20 unbroken /60sec

Friday, June 25, 2010

Training Day --Fast Glycolysis

5 Intervals for time...

15 Ghd Sit ups
20 Box Jumps 20"
25 Double Unders

rest 90sec

1:31 /1:28/ 1:34 /1:28 /1:50

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Workout of the Day today we posted "The Seven" at CrossFit Cedar City....thought I would give it a try with a 30 minute time cap.

7 hspu
7 thruster #95
7 knees to elbows
7 deadlifts #170
7 burpees
7 kettle bell swings 1.5pd
7 pull ups

completed 5 rounds in 31:12

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Training Day - ATP/CP

1. Snatch Grip Deadlift @6011 tempo; 6 x 4-6
135/6, 155/6, 165/4, 175/4, 175/4, 175/4

2. High Hang Power Snatch 80% 5 x 3 /60rr

3. Ghd Raise 5 x 12 w/ band

4. 2min rope climb max reps to 15 feet. (4)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Workout of the Day

Warm up: 500m Row

20 minute running clock...
  • Start with 1000m run...with the remaining time complete as many unbroken rounds of
  • 30 wall balls
  • 20 double unders
  • 10 pullups

finished 4 rounds

Sunday, June 20, 2010

3 day Mountain Bike Trip

Fueling up on almonds...after the yummy bagel :-)

FRIDAY: Thunder Mountain Trail 3hr Ride- Moderate - High Intensity
SATURDAY: Kokopelli Trail + 41/2 hr Ride- EPIC
SUNDAY: 18 Road 1:45min Ride-Moderate Intensity

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Training Day -- Slow Glycolysis

Warm up 400m jog + mov'ts

1. Row 3min for meters (814m/damper 7)
rest 3min
2. Dead-lift 3min for max reps (#190/43)
rest 3min
3. OHS 3min for max reps (#65/42)
rest 3min
4. Pull ups 3min for consecutive reps (25)
rest 3min
5. 800m JOG for time (4:50)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Training Day __ATP

1. Close Grip BEnch for 1RM (165lb)
2. Seated Behind the Neck Press for 1RM (90lb)
3. Chin up for 1RM (70lb + bwt)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lactate Threshold Training

On the Track: 400m x 6 / 3min rest

1. 1:19
2. 1:23
3. 1:25
4. 1:29
5. 1:35
6. 1:37

last 2 intervals i hit a major wall around 200m...couldn't get enough oxygen! Otherwise, I was happy to keep my times relatively close. ..can't wait to see how these times improve over the summer!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Training Day ---ATP/CP

1A. (#95 all 4's) Shoulder Press 5 x 3-4 @31X0 / 2min
1B. Strict CTB chin ups 5 x amrap 7,7,7,7,7 2min
12 min amrap of...
Pike HSPU 8,4,5,6,5
12 unbroken chin ups

Note...yesterday I could barely walk I can walk with minimal knee flexion...INSANE...have'nt been this sore in awhile. Today's wod felt strong...thank goodness it was upper body day!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pace Trail Run- Aerobic

  • 30 min total work

    18 min pace run

    Max HR 179
    Avg 157

Legs are sore from yesterdays Wod and the interval training from the day before...overall the run felt ok.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Training Day--CP

Asking the Judge if he could find my hamstrings...they fell off after rep 35....I ended up winning this the AMRAP DL event with 38 reps in 90sec w/ 173lbs using a Fat Bar (2 inch diameter)...good times!

Warm up: 30cal on rower + 5 x 20 double unders

1. Back Squat 1-5 ladder 10min. for AMLAP (4)
2A. Db Walking Lunge 3 x 12 /20sec (#35)
2B. Ghd Raises 3 x12 /3min
3. Toes to Bar 4 x 10 /60sec

Legs are more tired than I thought they would be...damn runnin' !!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Training Day --Aerobic

First "training day" towards improving that nagging weakness of mine....aerobic capacity.

5min @ 80%--5min@ 50%
4min @ 80%--4min @50%
3min @80%-- 3min @50%
2min @80%--2min @ 50%
1min @ 80%-- 1min@ 50%

Tracked it all on my HR monitor
Maximum HR reached 180bpm
Average HR for entire 30min 158bpm

Total working time including warm up and cool down...35minutes

Monday, June 7, 2010

Training Day--ATP/CP

1A. Bench Press @5010 8,6,4,2 /90rr
1B. Supinated Chin ups @ 50X0 4 x 3-4 /90rr
2. Muscle up + 10 Dips x 4 /90rr
3A. Depth Push ups 3 x amrap (-2) /90rr
3B. Powell Raise 3 x 10 / 90rr

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Workouts of the Weekend

  • 3ish mile run
Sunday Shake-Out:
1000m row @80% + some Double Unders

  • 60sec L-sit
  • 30 goodmornings w/ 45lb bar
  • 60 ab mat situps anchored
  • 30 back ext w/ 15lb plate

Body is feeling good...ready to pick-up the training sessions!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Workout of the day

1A. Shoulder Press 4 x 3-4 /20sec (#95)
1B. RDL's 4 x 10 /20sec (#135)
1C. KBS x 21 / 2-3min (1pd)

Then Alternating Amrap
  • HSPU (1 pad) x3

  • Strict CTB Chin ups x3

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Workout of the Day (Threshold)

Thought i would drink some of my own medicine....this is the wod i prescibed to day for CrossFit Cedar City...feels good:-)

Threshold Training with 3 intervals of...
  • 300m row
  • 10 resisted starts to 15ft cone (with a green resistance band around your hips have partner anchor a position 15ft away from cone, sprint to cone and backpedal back to start position...repeat 10 times
  • 10 DB Squat Jumps #15 each hand

Rest 5 min




Saturday, May 29, 2010

Trans Zion Saturday and Sunday

Kolob Canyon (Lee's Pass) to Zions Main Canyon (Grotto Trail head)

  • Roughly 36 miles in 2 days
  • Carrying a 35ish pound pack

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Info on Recovery Time / Workout Day- (APE)

One of the hardest things for an athlete to understand is recovery. How much recovery time is required between competitions, competitive seasons and training sessions to optimize performance and progressions in the future? Maybe the question should be "What does RECOVERY mean?" Is it time off from training, reduced volume and intensity, a cleanse or a massage? I believe recovery is the only way to have a long career in sport and your best chance to be successful. Here is a little recent personal experience....

After CrossFit Sectionals this past February...I thought I was being careful by taking a few days off. Within 3 weeks after the Sectionals competition I was battling a shoulder impingement and a cold that lasted about 4-5 weeks. A "few days" was obviously not enough time to heal my body before diving into intensive prep training for Regionals.

Yesterday, after 6 days off...I attempted to test my VO2 Max on the treadmill to see if there was any improvements from last fall. Everything was going great until I hit stage 4...quickly I realized this test was going to be a problem. In order to achieve a "true" VO2 Max score one criteria is to achieve at least 90% of age-predicted Max HR. Half way through stage 4 I swore my HR was 200... when I saw it was only 177bpm... Oh Shit...I had NOTHING to give...I was DONE! I finished Stage 4 and jumped off the treadmill...I was mentally and physically incapable of continuing. The intent of a Max Test is to you push until failure...

Q: So what was the problem?
A: Insufficient Recovery

Solution: Take more right, sleep well...train at an effort that feels good.
Outcome: I will let you know!

In conclusion, I have come to realize 3-6 days isn't enough time for MY mind and body to repair. Trying to push when you aren't ready will lead to over-training, injury and regression in your training sessions. So take your time...lick your wounds, reflect and come back with the ability to improve!

Workout today was...
15 Minutes for AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
5 thrusters w/ right arm 35lb DB
5 thrusters w/ left arm 35lb DB
7 Ring Dips

=8 rounds, just tried to keep moving.

Action Packed... CrossFit Regional Video

NW CrossFit Regional Competition...Check it out!